Monday, September 8, 2008

Unchristian 2

Quote on page 26: The primary reason outsiders feel hostile toward Christians, and especially conservative Christians, is not because of any specific theological perspective. What they react negatively to is our "swagger," how we go about things and the sense of self-importance we project.

(1) Does your church do things that cause a negative or hostile response from outsiders? Why or why not?
(2) Do outsiders perceive your brand of Christianity as "genuine and real, as something that makes sense, and as relevant to their life"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In answer to question no. 1, we attempt to do things with a two-fold purpose. First to serve our community and secondly to make people aware of our existence. By serving we open doors to peoples hearts. So many outsiders, to use the term from the book, have a very narrow view of who we are as Christ followers that we first must prove that we care about them as a person before asking them to change. When we have served someone it gives us a measure of credibility when we seek to go further into the relationship, with the intent to share Christ.

In answer to the second question I believe they do see what I believe in as genuine and real. I must say I have been involved in many evangelism programs through local churches and most were ineffective due to the lack of relationship building. For someone to actually be able to see how Christ has effected my life they must get to know me and that takes time.