Monday, November 3, 2008


(Page 206) To shift the reputation, Christ followers must learn to respond to people in the way Jesus did. If young outsiders say they can not see Jesus in our lives, we have to solve our ‘hidden Jesus’ problem. What is your solution to solving the ‘hidden Jesus’ problem in your setting?

Respond to the paragraph on page 219 “We want young generations to participate in our churches, but we expect them to play by the rules, look the part, embrace the music, and use the right language. We condemn the moral compromises, but we lack the patience to restore them. We want them to become mature Christ followers, though we are unwilling to submit to the significant task of our own spiritual formation.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gandhi had it right when he said, "We must become the change we wish to see." We/I loose any influence when I reach for power. Our greatest legacy will be when we seek first the kingdom of God for ourselves and then have something to show/demonstrate.

What if we lead by example and then expected people to follow because we were living lives of vibrancy and meaning?